Moving Forward

I’m still a bit jostled by being waitlisted for TFA, and after talking about it to my friends and family, and I’m ready to make start making progress in my job search.

I sent out the mass e-mail today, and I (semi-)personally invited all of my supporters to read this blog. I hope that you will continue to check back for updates, hold me accountable for making progress, and that one day, you’ll check back and learn that I finally accomplished my goal.

But for now, I’m starting small. I’ve decided that my first step will be to exhaust the resources provided by NYU’s Wasserman Center for Career Development.

I’ve already attended “Business Boot Camp for Liberal Arts Students,” which is a 2-day conference style event meant to expose participants to different careers in business. It was kind of like Career Day at high school… but with much higher stakes. I was most interested in the presentations about investment banking (Morgan Stanley), human resources (Earnst & Young), and consulting (Deloitte). I think I could do those jobs. I just need to convince someone else that I can do it.

Anyway, I plan to take advantage of four upcoming events at Wasserman within the next month, and I'm not going to flake out! I'm committing to following through with this goal, and this blog (and anyone reading this) is going to keep me accountable for it. So, here are the events that I plan to NOT blow off:

One Stop Shop, January 27, 2010, 3pm -6:30pm.
Wasserman offers one-on-one sessions for resume critiques, industry specific advice from working professionals in not-for-profit, and mock interviews.

Spring Job Fair and Diversity Expo, February 3, 2010, 11am-3pm.
Deloitte, Citizen Schools, and Comrise Technology will be there, and I will talk to them. Maybe they will also talk to me.

Dining for Success, February 11, 2010, 5pm-7pm.
Mostly, I’m doing this because it’s a three-course meal at The Smith for $10. But I guess it couldn’t hurt to learn how to make a good impression with your mouth full of steak and spaghetti!

Boot Camp for Future Professionals, February 26, 2010, 9am-4pm.
This is a one day workshop where I will allegedly gain “insight into adjusting to corporate culture and business trends, effective communication strategies, advice from recent alumni, and interactive teamwork and professional skills training.”

It’s not exactly sending out resumes, but I think it’s important to use all the resources that I have at my disposal. And by attending these events, I’ll hopefully make a lot of connections with people who can help me in my job search, as well as other students who are going through their own searches. At the very least, I’ll get a good meal out of it.



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