The Busy Bee Award (actually a small mason jar) is given to the Gramercy Green RA that is busy sometimes, so this week my colleague Aaron gave it to me! It is awarded once a week, and comes with candies - and sometimes Netflix. (To see how busy I pretend to be, see my weekly schedule below).

(insert schedule link here)

I hate when people try to play the "Look how busy I am!" competition, so please don't think that's what this is. I tell you that there is a lot of stuff on my plate right now, because I fear that I am over-extended, and that I won't be able to deliver my best work. I hasn't gotten to the point where I am missing obligations or double-booking, but it is getting very difficult to stay on top of everything. Mainly, when I am at work or school, I notice that I'm not as present as I would like to be, and my mind easily wanders to other commitments. I find it harder to engage with people, because I am worrying about other things, and I lose track of the task at hand.

Okay... so the problem is constantly worrying about the NEXT thing, and not being present for the NOW thing. So what's the solution...
  • Cut back? No, that would feel too much like failure...
  • Make more lists? YES! That way I don't have to manage tasks in my head.
  • Be prepared? Yeaaaaah, if I get work done way in advance I don't have to worry about doing the NEXT during the NOW.
ACTION PLAN (pilot): Starting today, and ending next Saturday (when I leave for Mobile), I will keep a list of EVERY task that needs to be accomplished. I will frequently consult this list, and try not to worry about keeping track of things mentally. Also, this weekend I will try to knock out EVERYTHING that can be prepared in advance. Sounds simple, right? We'll see how it goes!


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