I am writing to provide you with an update about your waitlist status and want to thank you for your patience and continued interest in Teach For America. At this time, you remain on our waitlist and continue to be considered for admission into the 2010 corps.
I got that in an e-mail yesterday from TFA Admissions. Predictably, I was very upset. But I wasn't expecting to get in based on what I had heard about how competitive New York was. I had been debating whether or not to change my site preferences, and I for some reason I thought that it might work out. However, after I learned that I was still on the waitlist yesterday, I immediately changed my preferences to include New Orleans.
Another thing that made me upset:
Congratulations! You were nominated for an OTM in the month of February 2010!I got that in an e-mail from ResEd. What does that mean?! I know that I was nominated- I do not need congratulations for that. You usually congratulate someone when they WIN. Does that mean that I didn't win? Because that's what it seems like.
Needless to say, I am feeling a bit discouraged right now. I spent so much energy on both the TFA application, and (to a lesser extent) on trying to win the RA OTM for February, and I'm very disappointed that I didn't measure up. The worst part is that I know that I tried my hardest, and it still wasn't good enough. I haven't completely lost motivation, but these two setbacks seem pretty major right now.
Uncommon Schools interview is on Friday... I'll read "Griswold" or "The Giving Tree"...
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