Between hearing from TFA, midterms, preparing for Alternative Breaks, and Civic Camp planning, this week has been really overwhelming. And the biggest hurdle was my Uncommon Schools interview today, which went pretty well. The first part was a read-aloud. I had prepared this big lesson for The Giving Tree, but I forgot how fast 20 minutes goes by. We only had time to go through the story, and we didn't get to any of the activities that I had planned. But the scholars (Uncommon students are referred to as scholars) were still very excited and participated a lot. The second part was a one-on-one interview with the Instructional Leader (kind of like a principal). I thought that I had a good interview, and I gave a lot of honest evaluation of my read-aloud - which I think they liked. But I really regret not getting enough sleep the night before, because being so tired definitely showed. Overall, it was a great experience, and it was so impressed to see how smart, disciplined, and engaged all of the scholars were. Great school. Send your kids there.
Tomorrow, I'm getting up at 5 am AGAIN to pick up a rental car at JFK, then drive down to ALABAMA. I'm going with NYU Alternative Breaks, and we will be working with Habitat for Humanity to build a house... or something. But I am so excited to get away from the cold, the work, the classes, the worries, the etc of NYC, and get my hands dirty.
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