Quick updates!

(June 17 means nothing)

- I'm getting a lot of good experience at Do Something & Gulf Coast Fund in a lot of different areas - marketing, grant making, social media, research, and other fun things
- I'm getting more responsibilities at both (please follow GCF on twitter)
- However, someone called me "Ricardo" today at the Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors office

- Hey FINALS, Jamaican me CRAZY!
- Omigod, school is over...

- I got to the second round of interviews for Harlem Children's Zone (Tuesday)
- I have a phone interview with Acumen Fund (Friday)
- I heard back from the Success Charter School Network for a phone interview (TBA)
- That one application a day thing really worked
- I think the next job hunt strategy should be more networking-based... I'll let you now what I come up with.

- I'm feeling overwhelmed, but I've got things under control... for now at least.
- I'm pumped to go to NOLA in May with GCF, and to BONNAROO (probs defs) in June.

- Word on the street is that my blog makes me sound depressed.
- However, nothing could be further from the truth! While I am very worried about my future and while I am under a lot of stress, I'm really excited about all the opportunities that I have available to me.
- It's hard for me to deal with rejection, and so those first few NOs got me kind of down. But after hearing back from all of these great companies in the last few weeks, I feel like I've gotten a second wind.
- I know that I still need to keep applying/networking/interviewing to find the best possible job for me, and I'm looking forward to what is going to happen next.


Zach Dugan said...

congrats on the second round at harlem children's zone! a website that helps with network based job hunting: jibe.com. use nyu (i think) to unlock the site. it will hopefully be better than it is within a few months.

Yuri said...

i want to go to bonnaroo with you!

Amira said...

Yay! Congrats on all of the good things coming your way! Stay focused!

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